If you happen to go to the region of Gabrovo, Dryanovo, or Veliko Tarnovo, and you want to walk on an easy path with nice views, I recommend you the Iglika eco-path. Its route is just that, it is suitable for people of all ages and can be visited in any season of the year. We were there in the second half of this March, on a sunny but quite windy day. Despite the wind, which tried to move me from time to time, I was very impressed by the walk.

The village of Iglika is located 13 kilometers north of Gabrovo. The eco-trail starts shortly before the entrance sign of the village. This is the dirt road that branches off from the road on the left. There, at the beginning of the route, a large and well visible information board is placed.
The route is circular and relatively easy to walk through. It is equipped with good markings and pointers. It is about 4 kilometers long and can be walked in about an hour and 15 minutes.
A GPS track of the route can be downloaded here.

The village of Iglika is located at altitude of nearly 600 meters above the sea level and its surroundings offer beautiful panoramic views in almost all directions. The houses in the village are similar and with revival architecture. They are built of stone, which is why the village is known as “the stone village of Iglika”.

One of the houses in the central part of the village belonged to the great Bulgarian actress Nevena Kokanova. She spent there the last years of her life.